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**Remember: This login may be different than your "MyGS" member community login. ** If you have forgotten your password, please click the "Forgotten Your Password" link above. If you have not received a password reset email within 5 minutes and you've checked your junk/spam folder, you probably do not have an account in the Volunteer Learning Portal system. Please use the "Create New Account" button to the right.
Is this your first time here?
The Volunteer Learning Portal has moved to gsLearn!
Your Volunteer Learning Portal course completions have been transferred to the new gsLearn if you have completed Mandated Reporter. We will continue to transfer your previous course credit after you complete your Mandated Reporter training in gsLearn.
Explore gsLearn today! gsLearn is currently live and accessible through your MyGS account for registered volunteers.
Where to find gsLearngsLearn Video Learning Series
gsLearn Complete Course Catalog
gsLearn Complete Learning Path Catalog
Need Assistance? Email onlinelearning@gsnorcal.org.